Thursday, January 25, 2018

Eighteen for '18

II Peter 3:18 encourages believers to “…grow in grace, and in the knowledge of our Lord and Savior Jesus Christ.  Spiritual maturity of the believer is always a biblical priority.  Lessons we learn from both Old and New Testaments are there to help us in our journey of growth.  The Apostle Paul often wrote of “walking” in the faith, a symbol that we are both learning and growing as we progress through the stages of life, but it’s not just age or experience that provide the path of maturity, it must be a growth centered on the truths of God’s word.
As surely as a plant will grow when provided with the right elements, and conversely, will wilt and weaken when deprived of essential nutrients, a born-again believer will grow or weaken based upon engagement with the essential spiritual nutrients of the faith.  It’s an illustration so simple a child can understand it, but so profound that even the most experienced of Christians must apply it.
At the beginning of last year, I proposed a list of seventeen actions to consider integrating into the year ahead.  For this year, the list has been refined a bit and another item has been added, after all it’s 2018!  Let’s consider how we can use these items to make this a year where we grow in the grace and knowledge that will make us individuals, families, and a local church with which the Lord is pleased. 
This is not intended to be an exhaustive list or a prioritized list.  Rather, it’s a list of suggestions that can help as we move along the pathway of maturity in the year ahead, so read over it, pray, and allow the Holy Spirit to direct your thoughts and actions about your next steps of growth.
1.     Pray daily, deliberately, and specifically, remembering that “The effectual fervent prayer of a righteous man avails much.”
2.     Pursue God’s will to lead…and look for God’s hand to provide.
3.     Engage the Bible each day through reading it, hearing it preached, or listening to it being read.
4.     Encourage others in the growth of their faith. Let them know you’re praying for them and share words of encouragement (this is especially important for parents raising their children in spiritual truth).
5.     Use social media to promote church activities and the Gospel.  The total outreach of the social media used by the church congregation numbers thousands, what an impactful tool this could be.
6.     Integrate Christian radio into your daily activities.  Our area is blessed with several stations that will complement your daily walk in the faith.
7.     Expand giving to ministries and projects that are established to further the Gospel both locally and globally.
8.     Journal the Journey.  Whether it’s on a notepad or an iPad, keep a record of answered prayer and your spiritual growth.
9.     Practice Hospitality, Patience, Forgiveness, Love, and Thankfulness…all are important characteristics of biblical faith and are some of the most practical evidences of a Christian testimony.
10.  Invite others to church.  A personal invitation is still the most likely reason someone will visit a church.
11.  Warmly greet and engage visitors who come to our church.  A friendly welcome may be the most important reason someone decides to return.
12.  Commit to a church ministry, either to attend regularly, or to work faithfully.  The greatest sermon or lesson in the world has no effect on an empty pew or chair.
13.  Come to church prepared to worship.  Two of the obstacles to a meaningful worship experience are rush and routine.  Consciously prepare yourself by not rushing in and going through the routine.  Prepare your hear through prayer and submission to the Holy Spirit.
14.  Identify a missionary to pray for by name and location.
15.  Find a Bible-based ministry to encourage you via the Internet, the radio, or TV (yes, there are some good ones).  If you’re not sure where to start, then let someone on the pastoral staff help you select a broadcast.
16.  Look for opportunities to “voice” your faith in conversations, both personal and digital.
17.  Be part of an outreach of the church, such as a mission’s trip or other ministry that reaches into the community.

18.  Include in your reading this year a regular diet of books, article, blogs, etc. which are intended to strengthen your faith.

 - Dr. Harlie Miller // Associate Pastor

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