VBS, A term I'm sure you're familiar with by now, is a typical highlight for the month of June. For many churches Vacation Bible School is one of the biggest evangelistic outreach events of the year. A busy week balancing work, kids, and late evenings at church, which can often lead to being tired and wondering how much does your involvement matter? Are my own kids getting a meaningful experience out of it? They surely have enough volunteers, right? These thoughts can flood our mind as often we may not see the immediate effect of our efforts in ministry. We can miss out on amazing opportunities God has for us.
As a child, I don't remember very much from my time in and out of church. But I recall every summer my grandmother would ask us to come with her to VBS at her church. A small church down in Liberty, with 20-30 kids at most on a good year. I would reluctantly go, and only because my grandmother asked. Out of all my experience with church growing up, those small little VBSs are what I remember most. At the time, I didn't want to be there and most of the volunteers serving probably could see my disinterest.
Today, I can recall times of seeing these leaders jump into prayer when someone needed it, treat me with so much love, and strive to make it an awesome week. It's those moments that helped me during the struggles of my high school and college life. It's the people involved showing Christ through their actions. So, while you may feel burnt out, and tired, hold fast to Galatians 6:9 “And let us not grow weary while doing good, for in due season we shall reap if we do not lose heart.” You may just find, as a volunteer, what you get out of it is priceless.
The lives and eternities of so many children are touched by Vacation Bible Schools each year. Additionally, there’s probably millions of dollars raised for missions. As a church family let’s come together, get involved, and make a lasting impact sharing the Love of God.
Kobie Heath,
Youth Director
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