Fall appears to be in full force, with cooler weather, changing leaves, and of course Chick-Fil-A’s new autumn milkshake. Fall has always been associated with change. The seasons themselves illustrate a cycle of change. Christians often reference parts of their lives as seasons. Why is this analogy made so often? One word, change. First and foremost, the change that happens when we place our faith and trust in Jesus Christ, the One and only Savior and Fountain of Eternal Life. After that, we aren't called to be the same as we once were, but to continually be changed by the living God with whom we now have a relationship as we submit to the Holy Spirit living within us. So, you must ask yourself, am I changing? Where am I in my walk with God? Closer or further away? Or am I the same as I was at this time last year…caught in the repetition of schedules, problems, and exhaustion.
The fast-paced life we are pressured to live can cause nothing but stress on us, our family, and our relationships. So how do we continue to grow? One way, Jesus, and His word. We see the disciples' growth throughout His ministry on earth. What was the reason behind their growth and success in ministry? It was not a “what” but a “who,” it was Jesus.
What did Jesus do best? He spent time with the Father. In Mark 1:35 and Luke 4:42, Jesus sets out to pray early in the morning and to be alone with the Father before the day begins. The success of a Christian is not themselves, no more than salvation is something of our own doing. It is the work of God and all for His Glory. We go about our day focused on work, families, life stresses, and then are surprised when we look back and see a lack of growth and a lack of change over the passing seasons.
If I attend church every Sunday and are active in church service, then shouldn't it be working? What's missing from the equation? There is something that church can’t do for you, that you must choose to do. Spend time with God. Commit your day and your life to Him. Fully surrender and let Him change you for the best of what he's called you to do. Do you want the “peace that passes all understanding” for you and your family? Do you want real change this fall and in the future? Then wake up daily to make God your priority this season and every season.
Kobie Heath, Youth Director